

Import of animals to Belarus is allowed only with relevant veterinary and medical certificates. First of all, this is the certificate of veterinary inspection certified by a local veterinary office. In addition, it is required to present documents confirming that: the animal has received all vaccinations required for travelling abroad. It is possible to receive the list of vaccinations at your local veterinary clinic. Vaccinations must be done not later than 2 weeks prior to departure. All documents must be translated into Russian and Belarusian.

Upon arrival in Belarus animals must be registered with the local veterinary authorities within one month from the date of arrival.


Captive wild animals included in the Red Book of Belarus or CITES examples, as well as zoological collections must be registered in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. This is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On wildlife”.

To register wild animals, individuals and legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs must submit an application form, photographs of the wild animals and a documents proving legal possession to the Ministry of Natural Resources. The registration period is 14 days. Late registration of wild animals kept in captivity, entails administrative liability in accordance with the law of the Republic of Belarus.

Almost the same procedure is required for the registration of zoological collections. The only difference is: to register a zoological collection the citizens shall only provide the application form to the Ministry of Natural Resources. The registration period of zoological collections is 1 month.

Keeping in captivity unregistered wild animals subject to registration in accordance with the Law “On wildlife” is prohibited. In addition, unregistered wild animals can not be exhibited or exported from the territory of the Republic of Belarus as zoological collections and be subjects of transaction as zoological collections or their part.


Restrictions on import to Belarus are applied to animals subject to the Convention on international trade of endangered wild fauna and flora species. The import of such animals must be authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus. In addition, the person meeting the tourist in Belarus must obtain a veterinary certificate for exotic animals from the head department of State Veterinary Inspection at the border and on transport. This certificate is presented together with the certificate specifying the vaccinations upon the import of animals. Thus, to import a monkey to Belarus from an African country, there should be an AIDS mark in the veterinary certificate and the health certificate.


The quality of imported brood farm animals and their brood production is controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

One-time permissions to import brood farm animals and their brood production are issued provided that all veterinary and health requirements of Belarus are met, and supplying organizations are assigned to appropriate categories. Thus, imported animals must show a breed type, have a strong physique, have no defects and deficiencies of the exterior, as well as gene mutations.

To get a one-time permission to import a farm animal, it is required to submit a statement in prescribed form to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It should include the name and address of the applicant (for legal entities), surname, first name, passport number (for individuals). It is necessary to indicate the type, breed of the animal, show justification for import with reference to inapplicable selected programs. It is also necessary to indicate the number of brood animals, the country of export, the import target date, the designation and animal husbandry place. In addition, legal entities shall attach to the statement a copy of the contract on the supply of brood production, an international veterinary certificate, as well as brood certificates or other documents proving the origin and productivity of the anim


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