
Education in Belarus

The education system of the Republic of Belarus is developing in accordance with the global trends, meeting the requirements of the innovation-driven economy and is a major source for training of highly-qualified specialists.

There are higher 51 institutions of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, 42 of them are state and 9 are private, special secondary education is provided by 215 state and 12 private establishments. 

Higher education institutions in Belarus provide high-quality training of specialists of the I-st and II-nd levels of higher education, training specialists of higher qualification (postgraduate, doctoral studies), carry out research, produce innovative high-tech products.

After the official joining Belarus into Bologna process in May 2015, the range of educational opportunities for foreign citizens has increased. Affordable prices for education, clean environment, eventful cultural life, stable situation in the country, as well as beneficial geographical location in Europe make education in Belarus attractive.

The students of Belarusian educational institutions have a great opportunity to study within a wide range of specialties, as well as to be engaged in scientific research. Training of specialists with higher education in the Republic of Belarus is performed within 15 profiles of education, including 384 specialties. The structure of specialties is constantly improving: there are new disciplines in the field of technologies, nuclear energy, robotechnics, space exploration, etc.

Training in various specialties in Belarusian educational establishments is carried out using modern methods and technologies.

Belarusian education is highly valued in the world, and the graduates are working in successful international companies, corporations and government organizations, as well as continue hold on in research activities.

How to enter the educational establishment of the Republic of Belarus? 

Choose a university and learning environment

List of educational services of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus.


List of educational services of institutions of specialized secondary schools of the Republic of Belarus 


International rescuers training centre (IRT centre)


Get the invitation

To receive an invitation a foreign applicant should provide the following documents (to the educational institution): 

• application addressed to the head of the educational institution;

• copies of passport pages with personal information (with full name in Latin, passport number, period of validity, country) and their certified translation into Russian;  

• copies of academic credentials (secondary/higher) and their certified translation into Russian.   

Prepare educational visa  

After receiving the invitation, a foreign applicant prepares an educational visa in the Consulate of the Republic of Belarus in the country where he comes from or in the National Airport of the Republic of Belarus (for citizens of the countries where there is no Belarusian Consulate).   

Submission of documents to higher education institutions 

Terms of application period for specialized secondary education institutions are established by the Ministry of Education. For further information please contact the Study Centre for International Cooperation in Education.

Terms of application period in higher education institutions for foreign applicants:

1.     Foreign applicants coming at the expense of the budget or on a paid basis in accordance with governmental agreements of the Republic of Belarus – till July 17;

2.     Foreign applicants coming only on a paid basis by the results of the final assessment – till August 6;  

3.     Foreign applicants coming only on a paid basis according to the interview results which establishes the level of proficiency in the language of presumed instruction – till October 15.  

The documents submitted to the admission office of the higher education institutions:

1. The application addressed to the head of the institution in the form prescribed by the Ministry of Education. 

2. A certificate (document) confirming education (the entrants who will take up a distance-learning course may submit a copy) indicating the studied subjects and marks (points) received – providing the recognition of these documents in the Republic of Belarus.

3. Certificate of medical consultation commission, issued by territorial health organization of Belarus (after passing compulsory medical examination by the assignment of the educational institution) for admission to full-time (intramural) form of study.

4. Medical report on the health status and HIV-negative certificate, issued by an official health authority of the country of residence of the applicant (except for applicants for training in distance form of higher education).

5. The original (copy) of a birth certificate.

6. 6 photos of 3x4 cm.

7. A certificate of any pre-university training, preparatory department, preparatory courses (providing graduation from the abovementioned instituions). 

An under-age applicant, entering the establishment of vocational education of the Republic of Belarus, shall submit the documents accompanied by their legal representative, or representative acting under a power of attorney, certified by notary or authorized official, or accompanied by a representative of the legal entity (private entrepreneur, private person) who is covering the expenses of training (if any) and is responsible for any other expenses.  

For further consulting, please contact the Study Centre for International Cooperation in Education NIHE. The information-consulting center is available for you.


Moskovskaya str., 15, 220007 Belarus, Minsk,  Tel/fax: (+37517) 395-79-41, (+37517) 395-79-40  

E-mail: icec@edu.by Skype: icec.nihe Facebook: icec.belarus , LinkedIn: ICEC NIHE, Instagram: icec.belarus, Google +: ICEC NIHE

Additional information on the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank



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